Pure Indulgence… Fine tune how creamy or sweet you want it.
Suất ăn 2 persons, Thời gian chế biến: 5 minutes, Thời gian nấu ăn 3 minutes
Nguyên liệu
- 2 tbsp instant coffee powder
- 300 ml milk
- 150 ml cream
- a few drops of vanilla essence
- a pinch of cinnamon
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- 2 tbsp honey
- 10 ice cubes
- to replace cream and vanilla:
- 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream
Hướng dẫn
- Add all of the ingredients into the Soup maker.
- Select the Smoothie program.
- Serve in tall glasses with straws, sprinkle some cinnamon or cocoa on top.
- Mẹo: To go for a lean shake, replace the cream or ice cream with low fat milk. The amount of honey you need is very personal.