Discover the path to partnership

By Philips ∙ Featuring Mackenzie Health ∙ thg 2 14, 2023 ∙ 20 min read

Customer story

Hospital operations


Philips managed services

What’s the secret to a great healthcare partnership that evolves and extends in value? It often comes down to shared purpose and a willingness to collaborate. Discover the path to partnership to see how we partnered with Mackenzie Health in Canada to make a real difference to healthcare operations.

Customer story at-a-glance

  • The importance of operations, combining care with commerce and recognizing the opportunity to innovate operationally.
  • Learn more about how the partnership started and governed with a multidisciplinary approach, and the importance of people in this model. 
  • See the effects of operational intelligence model and how it works day-to-day.
  • How this new model has contributed to clinical improvements and make impact in people’s lives.

Partnership with Mackenzie Health

Explore Mackenzie Health and Philips’ partnership

Episode 1: The importance of operations


Discover the importance of operations, combining care with commerce and recognizing the opportunity to innovate operationally.

importance of operations

Episode 2: How the partnership began


How the partnership was initiated – risk and reward recognizing, the importance of people, not just technology.

partnership began

Episode 3: Building teams, processes, and technology


The governance, planning, building teams, process, systems, protocols and new spaces – all innovated by a multidisciplinary approach.

Building teams

Episode 4: Finetuning and implementation


Things take shape with plans for design & construction.

Finetuning and implementation

Episode 5: Operational intelligence in action


See the effects of operational intelligence and how it works day-to-day.

Operational intelligence

Episode 6: Unlocking clinical value


How this new model has contributed to clinical improvements and make impact in people’s lives

Unlocking clinical value

Episode 7: A growth mindset


Continuous learning and improvement is at the heart of operational intelligence. See how the course corrections played out. Discover how we are planning for the next phases and how data is driving our ongoing improvements.

growth mindset

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